Friday, August 31, 2007

Keeping it simple!

Call me weird or, I don't know, shallow, non expressive, boring. I don’t think so. What I like is simple. I don't need a one pedal does all, gives all, sounds like anything you want. I'm analog by nature and so are your ears. Believe it or not thats why a true guitar tone freak loves tubes and analog. Its more pleasing to our analog ears and brain. Digital is great for some things but not others. As a live sound technian for over 25 yrs. I'll tell you, "you will not cut though the mix with digital effects and amps" or at least its much harder (from and sound engineers point) to do so. Digital was designed for the studio, so why try to make it work live. Also,why buy a pedal that claims to do everything, or are you just a switch and knob person? I find one or two good tones from every pedal and use only those setting 95% of the time. So does more or bigger mean better quality or better tone? The answer is a resounding "NO". Don't get me wrong there are many great guitar effect pedals out there (some with lots of switches and knobs). Each is unique and some are better than others. But lets be honest, do you use all the features of a fully loaded something or other. Sure you can play with all the knobs and switches, but does it sound good between your guitar and amp, or are there only one or two tones that sound good or even great. Does it sound good in your bedroom or only at stage volume. Does it sound better in a band mix versus stand alone. These are all valued questions.

I like simple. I don’t need much beyond volume, gain and some kind of tone shaping (as long as the pedal has a quality sound to begin with). I need the pedal to do its job simply and effectively. Do you constantly change settings on a pedal while playing live. I don't. I set the volume, gain and tone I like and need, stomp on the foot switch and play. Sometimes simple is just more efficient and user friendly. Knobs and switches are great for studio work when you have time to really tweak and use different tonal patterns, but most of us don't spend our lives in the studio, we play live. Just something to think about. After all isn't is all about the tone, and when you find it, it's HEAVENLY.
The 2 pedals shown are the "Spiritus Sanctus" distortion, base on the original DOD 250+, and the "Divine Echo" our analog voiced digital delay with up to 300ms of delay (can be modified to 600ms).
Contact Dana at: for more details.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Alpha Omega Guitar Effects Logo?

Ok, We have two company logo's. We kind of fight over which one to use. All our guitar effects pedals are based on vintgage circuits form the late 60's thru the 80's. So I'm going to put up a poll. Which logo appeals to you more? There is no right or wrong answer just your opinion. So our company logo will be in the hands of fellow blogers like youself.


Did you Take our new poll?????????

Our retail web site will be up soon

Logo 1 (Tribal Tattoo)

Logo 2 (60's Poster print)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Alpha Omega Guitar Effects New Blog

Welcome to Alpha Omega Guitar Effects new blog.\
Our new retail web site is under development at:

Welcome to the Tone of Yester Year. You now can add great tonal tools to your sound arsenal. We offer hand built, quality, vintage circuit effects pedals. Just plug in and get enveloped in the HeavenlyTone of the Alpha Omega world of sound. At Alpha Omega Guitar Effects we are musicians just like you. And we live for great guitar tone. All our pedals offer dual power options of either 9v battery and or 9v external power supplies . Each pedal is hand made to our ultra high standards.

We offer hand built Boutique Guitar effects pedals for tone lovers. All pedals are vintage circuit with modern touches. All our pedals are true bypass so when they are selected off they will not color your original tone. All pedals have on / off indicator LED and vintage voicing to sound as close to the highly sought after vintage original pedals (costing 3 times as much). Get that Heavenly Tone you have been praying for. Email us at: .

This is our "Big Delta" pedal. A vintage fuzz based on the 1978 Electro Harmonics Big Muff Pie first edition (also the best edition to date). The sound clip at the top of this blog is a pair of my friends, a two man band. The guitar tracks are through a clean Fender Reissue Blues DeVille 410, with a modified Fender Tele with a Hotrail pickup in the bridge position using the Alpha Omega "Big Delta" as the only effect to front of amp. Mic'd with a Shure SM57. The sound clip at the top of this blog is of the "Big "Delta". Please enjoy my friends Kory and Coleman at work.